League Information

To register  click here

Call 250-563-0357 ext. 100 or email curling@pggolfandcurling.com


Monday Night Men's League 

Monday 6:15pm & 8:30pm

This league runs an A, B & C Square. After each square the bottom 2 teams for each square drop a square and the top 2 teams move up a square. Teams are entered as Rink of Choice, games are 2 hours.


Tuesday Senior Curling Mixed League

Tuesdays 10:00am & 1:00pm

A very popular league, it usually runs 10:00am & 1:00pm on a rotating basis. The age requirement is 50+ years old. You join as an individual and teams are created at the beginning of the season. Spares are always welcome.

Novice Triples Tuesday Nights Alternating weekly 6:30pm & 8:15pm

Novice triples league, only allowed 1 player with over 5 years experience per team, league will run from October 8 - December 17 and restart again in the New Year. 

Draw will alternate weekly between 6:30pm & 8:15pm. This is a great game format for novice curlers, click here to learn more. https://www.curling.ca/files/2020/06/Triples-Curling-Canada-EN.pdf  

We will have instruction on the ice for the first couple weeks while teams learn the format and rules of Triples.

Tuesday Doubles League Alternating weekly 6:30pm & 8:15pm

A fun League gaining in popularity. There are two curlers and the game is played over eight ends. Each team has only six stones and one of those stones from each team is pre-positioned on the center line before every end of play. One player delivers the first and last stones of the end while the other player throws the second, third and fourth stones. If they choose to, the two players may swap positions from one end to the next. Both team members are also allowed to sweep.

Sturling League - Call the office to register - No Online registration for 2024/2025 Season

Monday and Wednesdays  9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 3:00 based on participation levels 

Sunday Sessions also available - see the Sturling link below

Sturling is played either with a stick or regular slide delivery.  Teams are made up of 2 members with NO age or gender restrictions, each throwing 6 rocks in alternate ends.. Games are 6 ends and typically take an hour to play.

For more information and rules please click on the link below:

PG Sturling League


Juniors League Ages 13 - 21

Tuesday 4:15pm to 5:30pm

No experience required, for beginners and intermediate curlers. The goal for this program is fun, we want to provide children a safe place to be active and learn the great sport of curling. This league ends in mid-March.

Click this link to for possible funding assistance.




Thursday Senior Curling Mixed League

Thursday 10:00am & 1:00pm

A very popular league, it usually runs 10:00am & 1:00pm on a rotating basis. The age requirement is 50+ years old. You join as an individual and teams are created at the beginning of the season. Spares are always welcome.



Auto Magic - Commercial  League

Wednesday and Thursday at 6:30pm & 8:30pm

This is an open league that  plays at 6:30 pm & 8:30 pm (alternating)  on Wednesday and Thursday nights. This league is Rink of Choice, you enter as a team and the focus is on FUN. There is a final Saturday wind-up banquet & prizes at the end of the season. 



Friday Night Mixed League

Fridays at 6:30pm & 8:30pm

The Friday Mixed League is an open mixed league with an emphasis on a Fun Night of Curling.  If you’re looking for a night to get out and meet some new people this is the league for you. There are usually some teams looking for players and players looking for teams, please contact the office or your league rep for more information: 250.563.0357.

Little Rock (ages 5-12 years old) 

Saturdays at 11am & 12:30pm Second Session Dates : January 4, 11 & 25th, February 1st & 15th

The goal for this program is fun, we want to provide children a safe place to be active and learn the great sport of curling.   No extra equipment required we have sliders and brooms the children can borrow. Please bring a clean pair of running shoes and warm clothing for each session.

Click this link to for possible funding assistance.






To register  Click Here


2024/2025 Season Bonspiel List Click Here



Call the Curling office for additional information 250-563-0357 or email curling@pggolfandcurling.com